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Patio Heater
How To Repair
- How do I replace starting striker switch on a tall patio heater?
- How do I clean out carbon build up in the pilot feed tube?
- How do I adjust pilot on portable table top and replace anti tilt on tall heater?
- How do I adjust the pilot feed tube on tall heaters?
- Where do I find Patio Heater Manuals?
- Can I convert my LP gas patio heater into a natural gas patio heater?
- Why won't my pilot light?
- Why is my burner flame low?
- Why does my propane bottle and regulator freeze up on my table top heater when using the 16oz cylinders?
- Why does my pilot light, but goes out when heater is turned on high or low?
- Why do I get a yellow flame and black smoke?
- Why does my unit burn low or won't stay ignited?
- Should I smell propane when starting my heater?